Zlatko Minev was the guest of Meet the meQuanics, a weekly podcast hosted by Simon Devitt to discuss APS’ March Meeting in this Field Report.
Christian Schönenberger is looking a PhD candidates for a generously funded by the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) fellowship for a duration of...
Victor, who successfully defended his thesis on Feb 24, 2017, joined Liang Jiang’s group at Yale in 2011 after undergraduate studies in Physics...
Do you like talking about your research? Are you interested in scientific communication? Would you like to share your work and the one of others in...
Dear Colleague,
We would like to draw your attention to the Erwin Schrödinger Center for Quantum Science &
Technology (ESQ,), an Austria-wide...
Michael J. Biercuck is looking for one or more postdocs to work in his group on experimental ion trap research. The position will focus on quantum...
The Yale Quantum Institute has been chosen to host the 2017 Yale Science and Engineering Forum (YSEF), a diverse program of talks highlighting the...