To reduce inbox clutter, we allow you to chose the content you receive with three types of newsletters: a public event newsletter, a technical+public event newsletter, and a mailing list for printed materials
Yale Quantum Institute Newsletter
Receive information about the upcoming colloquia, technical events, and other quantum related news. A Yale email address is required.
We only send one email per event, with no reminder, usually a week before the technical event. The announcement are also posted on our screens at YQI and in Becton Center on the 3rd and 4th floor.
Yale Quantum Institute - Public Events Newsletter
By subscribing to this newsletter, you will receive announcements about the public events organized and hosted by the Yale Quantum Institute. These events are open to all (not limited to Yale) and are accessible to a larger audience. Past events include nontechnical talks about science and the humanities, social events, quantum inspired art exhibition, …
Technical event announcements are not sent to the subscriber of this public newsletter.