
Sean Barrett's picture
Professor of Physics
Victor Batista's picture
John Gamble Kirkwood Professor of Chemistry
Charles Brown's picture
Assistant Professor of Physics
Hui Cao's picture
John C. Malone Professor of Applied Physics and Professor of Physics
Meng Cheng's picture
Assistant Professor of Physics
Michel Devoret's picture
Frederick W. Beinecke Professor of Applied Physics
Yongshan Ding's picture
Assistant Professor of Computer Sciences
Luigi Frunzio's picture
Senior Research Scientist in Applied Physics
Steven Girvin's picture
Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics
Leonid Glazman's picture
Donner Professor of Physics
Jack Harris's picture
Professor of Physics
Michael Hatridge's picture
Associate Professor Tenure
Karsten Heeger's picture
Karsten Heeger, (Ex-Officio)
Professor of Physics
Aleksander Kubica's picture
Assistant Professor
Konrad Lehnert's picture
Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics
Reina Maruyama's picture
Professor of Physics
David Moore's picture
Assistant Professor
Nir Navon's picture
Assistant Professor of Physics
Vidvuds Ozolins's picture
Vidvuds Ozolins, (Ex-Officio)
Tom Steyer and Kat Taylor Professor of Clean Energy Solutions
Daniel Prober's picture
Professor of Applied Physics, of Electrical Engineering and of Physics
Shruti Puri's picture
Assistant Professor of Applied Physics
Peter Rakich's picture
Assistant Professor of Applied Physics and of Physics
Nicholas Read's picture
Henry Ford II Professor of Physics and Professor of Applied Physics and of Mathematics
Robert Schoelkopf's picture
YQI Director & Sterling Professor of Applied Physics and Physics
Ramamurti Shankar's picture
John Randolph Huffman Professor of Physics
Daniel Spielman's picture
Henry Ford II Professor of Computer Science and Professor of Mathematics
A Douglas Stone's picture
YQI Deputy Director & Carl A. Morse Professor of Applied Physics and Professor of Physics
Hongxing Tang's picture
Llewellyn West Jones, Jr. Professor of Engineering
Logan Wright's picture
Assistant Professor of Applied Physics