A fellowship on Topological States in Coupled Double Nanowire Superconductor Hybrids for an experimental PhD thesis work is now available in the Nano- and Quantum...
At Fermilab, we are performing R&D to develop ideas that you, Konrad Lehnert and others have proposed to utilize qubits as photon sensors to search for axion dark...
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of New Mexico invites applications for a tenure-track appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin...
The Department of Applied Physics is looking for a highly motivated Research Fellow to work on a project on superconducting quantum circuits, and on developing a many...
The Department of Applied Physics is looking for a highly motivated postdoc to work on a project on superconducting quantum circuits, and on developing a many qubit...
New Experimental research position focused on quantum control and quantum computing with trapped ions
Full time, fixed term for 1 year (possibility of extension subject to...
At the Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of Cologne there is an opening for a Head of a Junior Research Group on Entangled Quantum Matter.
The Princeton University Physics Department invites applications for an Assistant Professor position in experimental physics. While the search is open to all subfields, we...
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics is inviting applications for a number of Junior Faculty positions (tenure track) in Condensed Matter Theory, Quantum...