The Department of Mathematics at Københavns Universitet in Denmark offers a number of attractive PhD stipends in mathematics.
There will be a limited number of free PhD stipends in all areas of mathematics not attached to specific project. You are welcome to contact any member of the department to discuss specific research projects.
In addition, there will be PhD stipends available in mathematical physics and quantum information theory within the Centre for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory (QMATH) Your application and all supporting documents must be submitted no later than April, 1st 2018.
To apply you need to:
1. Fill out and submit the online application form and upload the required files. Please read the instructions carefully before applying.
2. Instruct the 2-3 recommenders to send their letter of recommendation as a pdf attachment to, stating your name in the subject line of the email. You are responsible for soliciting these letters.
All the above information, including letters of recommendation, must be received by April 1st, 2018. Applications or supplementary material received thereafter will not be considered, unless explicitly requested by the evaluation committee.
Please, read the mini-guide on how to apply.

Friday, March 2, 2018