The Technical University of Munich (TUM) invites applications for the position of Professor in Technical Physics as tenured W3 Associate or Full Professor; to begin as soon as possible.
Scientific environment
The professorship belongs to the TUM Department of Physics and, at the same time, is part of the Walther-Meißner- Institute for Low Temperature Research (WMI), a highly renowned institute of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The department and WMI are located on Garching Campus which offers an exceptional scientific and collaborative research environment, characterized by the close proximity to the Walter Schottky Institute and the Research Neutron Source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II).
The responsibilities of TUM professors include research and teaching as well as the promotion of early-career scientists. Medium-term, the successful applicant will assume the position and responsibilities as WMI Director. We seek to appoint an expert with an internationally recognized profile in the research area “quantum science and technology” based on solid-state systems. Emphasis is put on fabrication and characterization of novel materials, device elements and circuitry with application potential for quantum information and communication, and/or sensing. The advancement of the underlying material technologies and metrological procedures, notably in the field of low- temperature physics, is part of the research agenda of successful applicants.
The teaching load includes courses in the university’s bachelor and master programs.
We are looking for candidates with a university degree and an outstanding doctoral degree or equivalent scientific qualification, who have demonstrated excellent achievements in research and teaching in an internationally recognized scientific environment. International scientific experience during the doctoral or postdoctoral phase is expected. The successful candidate shows pedagogical aptitude, including the ability to teach in English. Candidates are expected to be fully committed to collaborate with the department’s theoretical and experimental groups, to interact with related groups in the greater Munich research area and to participate in interdisciplinary research collaborations, on the Garching Campus and in Greater Munich. Moreover, candidates should possess leadership competence and experience as well as a proven ability to establish, acquire and lead competitive and cooperative research projects.
Our Offer
Based on best international standards and transparent performance criteria, TUM offers a merit-based academic career option through a permanent position as Associate Professor, and on to Full Professor. The regulations of the TUM Faculty Recruitment and Career System apply.
TUM provides excellent working conditions in a lively scientific community, embedded in the vibrant research environment of the Greater Munich Area. Furthermore, TUM offers attractive and performance-based salary conditions and additional social benefits.
The TUM Munich Dual Career Office (MDCO) provides tailored career consulting to the partners of newly appointed professors. MDCO gives assistance for the relocation and integration of new professors, their partners and accompanying family members.
Your Application
TUM is an equal opportunity employer. As such, we explicitly encourage applications from women. Applications from disabled persons with essentially the same qualifications will be given preference.
Application documents should be presented in accordance with TUM’s application guidelines for professors. These guidelines and detailed information about the TUM Faculty Recruitment and Career System are available on
Please send your application no later than February 15, 2018 to the Dean of TUM Department of Physics, Prof. Johannes Barth, Email: