Job Announcements and Opportunities

October 4, 2021

The College of Science at Northeastern University has launched a junior faculty (tenure track) search across all departments.  The priority for the Physics Department is...

September 27, 2021

Argonne National Laboratory seeks multiple postdoctoral candidates to participate in projects of strategic national importance in quantum information science. The...

September 14, 2021

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Rice University invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions in the broad area of experimental quantum science and...

September 10, 2021

The quantum information theory group (Shruti Puri and Steven Girvin) in the Yale Quantum Institute seeks outstanding applicants for a postdoctoral position as part of an...

August 10, 2021

Qubit by Qubit is looking for Teaching Assistants! We are an educational nonprofit offering online quantum computing programs for...

May 25, 2021

The “Quantum Valley Lower Saxony“ (QVLS-Q1) research consortium, a collaboration between TU Braunschweig, Leibniz University Hannover and...

April 26, 2021

The Quantum Information and Integrated Nanosystems group at the MIT Lincoln Labs have 4 positions open:

Superconducting Qubit Experimentalist, full staff: https://...
March 23, 2021
The department of Physics and Applied Physics at UMass Lowell has a faculty opening in theoretical quantum information and condensed matter — please see the job posting...
February 24, 2021

The Department of Applied Physics at Yale University invites applications for a faculty appointment in the area of experimental quantum...

February 1, 2021

The Department of Mathematics at Simon Fraser University invites applications for a Tier-2 Canada Research Chair position in mathematics of quantum computing starting July...