On June 22 at 11AM EDT, APS will host author Christopher S. Wang of Yale University, along with several of his co-authors for a discussion of their recently published Physical Review X paper: “Efficient multiphoton sampling of molecular vibronic spectra on a superconducting bosonic processor.”
Hear details about breakthrough quantum research and meet new people in this free Journal Club discussion, which includes a brief presentation from the researchers followed by a question-and-answer session where all registrants can discuss technical aspects of the research, challenges in the field of quantum information science and technology, and more. Early-career scientists can especially benefit from this interactive presentation format, which will be moderated by Marissa Giustina from Google Research. This is a rare opportunity to discuss recently published research with the authors themselves.
Paper to be discussed: Efficient multiphoton sampling of molecular vibronic spectra on a superconducting bosonic processor by Christopher S. Wang, Jacob C. Curtis, Brian J. Lester, Yaxing Zhang, Yvonne Y. Gao, Jessica Freeze, Victor S. Batista, Patrick H. Vaccaro, Isaac L. Chuang, Luigi Frunzio, Liang Jiang, S. M. Girvin, Robert J. Schoelkopf
Speakers: Christopher S. Wang and co-authors
Moderator: Marissa Giustina (Google Research)
Space is limited. Please register only if you can attend live.