By Jim Shelton
Yale University scientists have reached a milestone in their efforts to extend the durability and dependability of quantum information...
Materials Science Division at Argonne National Laboratory is currently seeking for two candidates to fill postdoctoral positions in the area of...
Junior Research Chairs Call 2016
Junior Research Chairs Department of Physics, ENS (Ecole normale supérieure), Paris
Closing date:...
“13th Capri Spring School on Transport in Nanostructures 2017”, which will have a special focus Solid-state quantum information processing. The...
Hongxing Tang, newly named as the Llewellyn West Jones Jr. Professor of Engineering, focuses his research on nano-electromechanical systems,...
“School and Workshop on Driven Quantum Systems” to be held in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, from 21st November to 2nd December 2016. The...
YQI graduate student, Xufeng Zhang, wins the Henry Prentiss Becton prize this year. Xufeng is a graduate student of Professor Hong Tang and has been...