Summer school on quantum information in condensed matter physics
July 3-8, 2016
Registration is now open for PhD students, through the summer school...
We would like to draw your attention to a newly opened permanent position in the Quantronics group at CEA Saclay (France), on experimental quantum...
Prof. Hong Tang has devised a process of nanofabrication to create a silicon chip that contains all the components needed for a quantum information...
The Les Houches Summer School, “Current Trends in Atomic Physics”, is to be held July 4 - July 29, 2016. Please refer to the attached poster for more...
The University of Waterloo, in collaboration with the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC), offers graduate students unique opportunities to learn...
Postdoctoral fellowship, 2 years with possible extension, available to investigate small systems of semiconductor spin qubits to implement quantum ...
Please click here for the registration of the Grand Opening of the Yale Quantum Institute!
The Yale Quantum Institute, the state-of-the-art research...