Quantum Computing Workshop for Undergraduate and Graduate Students - RSVP

Learn about quantum computers and how to program them using Rigetti’s pyQuil quantum programming language during this 2-hour workshop, on Tuesday, April 16 from 9 to 11 am in the Yale Quantum Institute Seminar Room. Please RSVP below, space is limited.

This workshop will consist of a powerpoint presentation and a set of example notebooks that participants will be running on their laptops. This workshop is appropriate for most undergraduates and graduate students in math, engineering, physics, or computer science, as there are very few prerequisites.

The workshop will cover the following introductory material:

+ introduction to Rigetti Computing  and the services we provide - QCS and the Forest SDK

+ representation of qubits and operators as vectors and matrices including in higher-dimensional Hilbert spaces

+ introduction to superposition and entanglement with supporting examples

+ measurement in arbitrary bases

+interesting examples - quantum die, quantum teleportation, MAXCUT QAOA (more if we have time, but I doubt it)

Participants should be familiar with the following to get the most out of the workshop:

+ complex numbers and how to multiply them, express them in polar form, etc

+ matrix arithmetic, e.g. multiplying a 2x2 matrix by a 2x1 column vector

+ Python in general

Before attending the workshop

To make full use of the Rigetti Forest SDK, you will need pyQuil, the QVM, and the Quil Compiler. The instructions for downloading pyQuil and the Forest SDK can be found on the Installation and Getting Started page in the pyQuil docs. If you can make it all the way to the end of that page, then you will be prepared to run all the notebooks for the workshop. This zip file contains of all the notebooks that will be used during the workshop. If you can run those notebooks successfully, then you will have successfully installed pyQuil and the SDK.

More info about the installation set up here

The workshop will be lead by Amy Brown, a Rigetti Quantum Solutions Engineer. 

She received her bachelor’s degree in computational physics from Harvey Mudd College in 2017 and has been working at Rigetti Computing since. She spent a year on the full-stack quantum engineering team working on CPHASE gate calibration procedures and phase estimation protocols to improve the performance of Rigetti’s two-qubit gates before moving on to be a Quantum Solutions Engineer heading up external researcher partnerships.

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