Yale College’s Quantum Science and Engineering Certificate

Quantum information science and technology (QIST) explores how the principles of quantum mechanics can be harnessed to encode, manipulate, process, learn, and distribute information in fundamentally novel ways. This rapidly evolving field unites experts from physics, computer science, engineering, chemistry, and materials science to develop transformative technologies in computing, simulation, sensing, timing, and networking.

Yale College’s Certificate in Quantum Science and Engineering prepares students to become the next generation of quantum scholars and innovators. Students will have the opportunities to interact with leading researchers in the field through activities at Yale Quantum Institute. The program equips graduates with the interdisciplinary knowledge and skills needed to excel in this dynamic field, opening pathways to advanced study in PhD programs and impactful careers as quantum software and hardware engineers in industry.


Students must declare their intent to earn a certificate by the last day of add/drop period in their final term of enrollment. This is done on the Declare Major, Concentration within the Major, Certificate page on Yale Hub. Once declared, Degree Audit will track students’ progress toward completion of the certificate.


If you have questions about the undergraduate Certificate in Quantum Science and Engineering, please check the FAQ below.  If you do not find your answer there, you may consult the Certificate Director, Yongshan Ding (yongshan.ding@yale.edu). You may also join any regular advising sessions during academic year on Mondays 3-4 PM ET on Zoom.


Students selecting this certificate need to complete 5 course credits from the approved courses but cannot select more than a 2-credit overlap with their major. To help them select courses that would satisfy the requirements, the courses proposed below for the certificate are divided by department, and example tracks for several majors are provided.

All students in the certificate will be required to take PHYS 345 (Spring) or CPSC 447 (Fall) as one of the five course credits. (On a case-by-case basis, APHY 660 could be used as substitution for a core course with pre-approval of the Certificate Director.This is a common course for all Quantum Science and Engineering students to help build a community of quantum scholars.

How to pick courses for the certificate:

1-    Choose one of the core courses for the certificate (PHYS 345 or CPSC 447)

2-   Choose four other electives that carry the YC

Quantum Elective attribute (no more than two course credits may overlap in the fulfillment of the requirements of the Quantum Science & Engineering Certificate and of a major, a simultaneous degree, or another certificate; Additionally, such overlap credits should not be introductory courses, at 100- or 200-level, within your own major.).

Special Activities, Field Trips, and Events

The students taking part of this certificate will be encouraged to participate in these activities:

-       Become an active member of the Yale Undergraduate Quantum Computing group (YuQC).

-       Participate in the YuQC (and other like QuantumCT) quantum hackathons for hands-on experience coding on quantum devices, and for networking with the invited speakers.

-       Attend colloquia of interest offered by the Yale Quantum Institute on Fridays at noon during the academic year, as well as the YQI “Open Mic” informal presentations on Friday afternoons.

-       Join one of the tours of the Yale Quantum Institute laboratories offered during the year.

Elective Courses for the QSE Certificate – Listed by Department

Applied Physics

APHY 439 (Fall) Basic Quantum Mechanics (Cross listed PHYS 439, APHY 506)

(Prerequisites: PHYS 181 or 201, PHYS 301)

APHY 610 (Spring) - Quantum Many-Body Theory (cross listed with PHYS 610)

APHY 660 (Fall) - Quantum Information and Computation (with pre-approval)

APHY 661 (Spring) - Fault Tolerance and Quantum Error Correction

APHY 691 (Fall) – Quantum Optics (cross listed PHYS 691)

APHY 676 (Fall) - Introduction to Light-Matter Interactions

APHY 679 - Nonlinear Optics and Lasers (cross listed PHYS 679)


CHEM 466 & 467 (Fall/Spring) Introduction to Quantum Mechanics I & II (cross listed CHEM 566 & 567)

CHEM 584 (Spring, ½ credit) - Machine Learning and Quantum Computing in Chemistry and Materials Science

Computer Science

CPSC 201-202 (Fall/Spring) - Introduction to Computer Science I & II

CPSC 365 (Fall/Spring) – Algorithms (requires CPSC 202 and 223)

CPSC 442 (Fall) - Theory of Computation

(Prerequisites: CPSC 365, 366, or 368)

CPSC 447 (Fall) - Introduction to Quantum Computing (Cross listed CPSC 547)

(Prerequisites: CPSC 201 and 202)

CPSC 449 (Spring) - Quantum Information Systems (Cross listed CPSC 549)

Electrical Engineering

EENG 402 (Spring) - Advanced Electron Devices (Cross listed APHY 418, ENAS 718)

EENG 320a Introduction to Semiconductor Devices (Cross listed APHY 320a)

EENG 401 Photonics and Optical Electronics

EENG 454 (Spring) Information Theory (Cross listed S&DS 364, AMTH 364)

Yale Jackson School of Global Affairs

GLBL 6610 & GLBL 6611 (Fall/Spring) - Artificial Intelligence, Emerging Technologies, and National Power I & II, [LIMITED ENROLLMENT]


MATH 222 Linear Algebra with Applications

MATH 225 Linear Algebra (Proof based)

MATH 226 Linear Algebra (Intensive)

MATH 232 Advanced Linear Algebra with Applications (continuation of Math 222)
MATH 241 Probability Theory (Cross listed S&DS 241)

MATH 242 Theory of Statistics (Cross listed S&DS 242)

MATH 244 Discrete Mathematics (Cross listed AMTH 244)

MATH 340 Advanced Linear Algebra

MATH 421 The Mathematics of Data Science (Cross listed AMTH 420)


PHYS 344 (Spring) - Quantum and Nanoscale Physics

(Prerequisites: PHYS 170, 171, or 180, 181, or 200, 201, or 260, 261)

PHYS 345 (Spring) - Introduction to Quantum Information Processing and Communication (The only prerequisite for this course is basic knowledge of linear algebra and complex numbers.)

PHYS 382L Advanced Lab (includes several quantum experiments)

PHYS 440 & 441 (Fall/Spring) - Quantum Mechanics and Natural Phenomena I & II

(Prerequisites: PHYS 410 or 401)

PHYS 508 & 509 (Fall/Spring) - Quantum Mechanics I & II

PHYS 610 (Spring) - Quantum Many-Body Theory (cross listed with APHY 610)

PHYS 635 (Fall) - Quantum Entanglement in HEP (offered occasionally)

PHYS 691 (Fall) - Quantum Optics (cross listed APHY 691)

PHYS 679 - Nonlinear Optics and Lasers (cross listed APHY 679)

PHYS 522 - Introduction to Atomic Physics

Statistics and Data Science

S&DS 241 (Spring) Probability Theory (Cross listed MATH 241)

S&DS 242 Theory of Statistics (Cross listed MATH 242)

S&DS 364 (Spring) Information Theory (Cross listed AMTH 364, EENG 454)

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register for the Certificate?

Students must declare their intent to earn a certificate by the last day of add/drop period in their final term of enrollment. This is done on the Declare Major, Concentration within the Major, Certificate page on Yale Hub. Once declared, Degree Audit will track students’ progress toward completion of the certificate.

Can a graduate student receive the Certificate?

No. This is a Yale College certificate.

Can I overlap courses between the Certificate and my major?

No more than two course credits may overlap in the fulfillment of the requirements of the Quantum Science & Engineering Certificate and of a major, a simultaneous degree, or another certificate. Additionally, such overlap credits should not be introductory courses (at 100- or 200-level) within your own major.

Can I substitute courses that are not listed above?

No. However, you may suggest a course to be added to the list (pending approval by the Certificate committee) by emailing the Certificate Director.

Are there examples of tracks for students from different majors?

Yes, here are possible suggestions for courses eligible for the certiciate per major.

APHY Major


CERT- PHYS 345 (Spring) - Introduction to Quantum Information Processing and Communication

Overlap with Major:

CERT- APHY 439 (Fall/Spring) - Basic Quantum Mechanics

Elective courses (if not already used to fulfill the APHY major):

CERT- CPSC 201 (Fall) - Introduction to Computer Science I

CERT- CPSC 449 (Spring) - Quantum Information Systems (Cross listed CPSC 549; requires CPSC 447 or PHYS 345)

CERT- S&DS 364 (Spring) - Information Theory (Cross listed EENG 454, AMTH 364; requires S&DS 241)

CERT- APHY 691 (Fall) – Quantum Optics (cross listed PHYS 691)

PHYS Major


CERT-PHYS 345 (Spring) - Introduction to Quantum Information Processing and Communication

CERT-PHYS 382L Advanced Lab (includes several quantum experiments)

CERT- PHYS 439 (Fall/Spring) - Basic Quantum Mechanics

Elective courses (if not already used to fulfill the PHYS major):

CERT- S&DS 364 (Spring) - Information Theory (Cross listed EENG 454, AMTH 364; requires S&DS 241)

CERT- APHY 691 (Fall) – Quantum Optics (cross listed PHYS 691)

CPSC Major


CERT- CPSC 447 (Fall) - Introduction to Quantum Computing (cross listed CPSC 547; requires CPSC 201 and CPSC 202)

Overlap with CPSC major:

CERT- CPSC 365 (Fall/Spring) – Algorithms (requires CPSC 202 or MATH 244, CPSC 223)

Elective courses (if not already used to fulfill the CPSC major):

CERT- CPSC 449 (Spring) - Quantum Information Systems (cross listed CPSC 549; requires CPSC 447 or PHYS 345)

CERT- S&DS 364 (Spring) - Information Theory (cross listed AMTH 364, EENG 454; requires S&DS 241)

CERT- PHYS 439 (Fall/Spring) – Basic Quantum Mechanics (cross listed APHY 439; requires PHYS 181 or 201, PHYS 301, or equivalents, or permission of instructor)

CPSC-Math Major


CERT- CPSC 447 (Fall) - Introduction to Quantum Computing (Cross listed CPSC 547; requires CPSC 201 and CPSC 202)

Overlap with CPSC-MATH major:

CERT- MATH 340 Advanced Linear Algebra

CERT- CPSC 365 (Fall/Spring) – Algorithms (requires CPSC 202 or MATH 244, CPSC 223)

Elective courses (if not already used to fulfill the CPSC-MATH major):

CERT- S&DS 364 (Spring) - Information Theory (Cross listed AMTH 364, EENG 454; requires S&DS 241)

CERT- CPSC 449 (Spring) - Quantum Information Systems (Cross listed CPSC 549; requires CPSC 447 or PHYS 345)