JILA is searching for a junior-level faculty member, preferably a bench-top experimentalist. JILA is a highly-collaborative, diverse, and multi-disciplinary physical science research institute located on the University of Colorado campus in beautiful Boulder. They are particularly interested in hearing from candidates who might expand our faculty diversity, be it in our research topics or our demographics.
They have a strong tradition of excellence in several areas of tabletop experimental science:
- quantum information and small quantum systems -physical chemistry
- time-resolved spectroscopies
- strong-field science
- ultracold atomic and molecular systems -precision metrology and searches for new physics
They are looking for an experimentalist to establish an independent research program that has synergy with our existing strengths, but that also stretches our borders in exciting new directions.
Many of them on the JILA faculty are women or part of groups otherwise underrepresented in science, and are all committed to diversity and equality.
Interested persons should send a curriculum vitae and a statement of research interests, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to: SearchCommittee@jila.colorado.edu . Application review will begin Nov. 20, 2016, and will continue until the position is filled. Learn more about JILA at jila.colorado.edu .
For further information contact Eric Cornell at cornell@jila.colorado.edu, (subject heading “JILA search”) or 303-492-6281.