32nd CMOC Symposium - Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Quantum Computing, and Emerging Technologies

Event time: 
Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - 9:00am to 5:00pm
YQI Researchers
Virtual (Webex platform) See map
Event description: 

The Connecticut Microelectronics and Optoelectronics Consortium (CMOC) is pleased to announce that the 32nd Annual Symposium will be held on Wednesday, February 28,2024.

The format of the Symposium will be VIRTUAL (Webex platform) for oral presentations and poster contributions.

Highlights: Invited talks in Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Quantum Computing, Biosensors, Alternate Clean Energy Sources, In-Memory Computing and Machine Learning, and Emerging Applications.
Invited Talks: Dr. L. Frunzio (Yale), Dr. L. Ferreira dos Santos (UConn), Dr. V. Batista (Yale), Dr. S. Beigi (Yale), Dr. P. Ye (Purdue), Dr. I. Kymissis (Columbia), Dr. W. Zhu (Illinois), Dr. V. Mutalik (Comcast), Dr. E. Tentzeris (GATECH), Dr. N. Dutta (UConn), and Dr. J. R. Petta (Princeton, TBC).

We invite you to participate in the symposium in the following ways:
 Submit a one to two-page abstract describing current research/project for a short (10 minutes) oral presentation or for the poster session. 

 The following topical areas are suggested:

1. Quantum Materials 

2. Devices

3. Quantum Computing

4. Bio-sensing
5. Clean Energy / Storage / Emerging Technologies

Prizes will be given for Best Student Presentations/Posters.

Abstract DEADLINE: Friday January 26, 2024

Please email abstracts (pdf file with one-inch margins, 11 or 12 font) to:

Prof. M. Gherasimova

University of Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CT 06601


 Indicate in the email your preference for a short oral or poster presentation.

Expanded proceedings papers will be published as a special issue of International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems (IJHSES). Manuscript submission deadline: March 31, 2024.

Registration: No cost

Participating Schools:

University of Connecticut

Trinity College

Yale University

University of Bridgeport

Western Connecticut State University

Southern Connecticut State University

University of New Haven

Participating Corporations:


Ensign Bickford Aerospace

General Dynamics Collin Aerospace Perkin-Elmer Photronics

Pitney Bowes

Raytheon Technologies Research Center

Coherent-DEOS C-Cor