The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Arizona invites applicants for a tenure/tenure-track faculty position at an Assistant/Associate Professor level to advance the ECE Department research activities in experimental quantum information science and engineering (QISE). Candidates in experimental QISE research are particularly encouraged to apply. The specific areas of interest include but are not limited to quantum communications, quantum networking, quantum sensing, photonic quantum information processing, quantum interconnects, intermediate-scale and large-scale quantum processors, quantum repeaters, quantum nanophotonics and silicon photonics, quantum machine learning, and quantum security.
Successful candidates will join a multidisciplinary research faculty team to work on quantum communications, computing, and sensing.
The ECE is a partner in two newly established National Quantum Centers: a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center — the Center for Quantum Networks (CQN) hosted at the University of Arizona, and a Department of Energy Center for Superconducting Materials and Systems (SQMS Center) led by Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. The new faculty member will develop and maintain a vigorous, nationally recognized, and externally funded research program; contribute to an academic environment that nurtures collaboration and participation in outreach and contribute to departmental, college, and university service. In these, and other ways, the faculty member will help to develop innovative approaches to enhancing student engagement, increasing diversity, and expanding collaborations with community and business partners. In particular, the department has several experts in quantum information, quantum communications, quantum computing, quantum error correction, and quantum networking, who work closely with peers in the department, the College of Optical Sciences, and other departments on a variety of problems. Successful candidate will integrate with this ecosystem, enhance the research endeavors, and contribute to promoting diversity on campus. The candidate will also be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate level courses related to their expertise, as well as develop and teach new courses that complement the courses already existing on campus. The College of Optical Sciences has an ongoing MS program with a specialization in Quantum Information Science and Engineering, and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering will be launching an MEng program with a quantum focus in academic year 2023-24. The candidate will enjoy the benefits of the extensive faculty mentoring program of the university, college, and the department.
Learn more and apply here:

Thursday, March 9, 2023