The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering invites applications for two tenure track positions in Quantum Information Science and Technology (QIST). Candidates making connections between QIST and data science, circuits, devices, controls, computer engineering, information theory and other existing efforts in the ECE department are particularly encouraged to apply but all areas of QIST will be considered. Hires will be made at the Assistant Professor rank (Tenure-track). The positions are full-time, multi-year appointments with 9-month service periods and with an anticipated start date of September 1, 2021.
Very broadly, the areas of interest are
ECE (2 positions): Candidates making connections between QIST and data science, circuits, devices, controls, computer engineering, information theory and other existing efforts in the ECE department
ME (1 position): Candidates performing research in quantum information science and technology (QIST) in one of the following areas of interest: quantum control, machine learning to optimize QIST systems, quantum machine learning, and quantum mechanical/acoustic systems are particularly encouraged to apply but all areas of QIST will be considered
CSE (under their general search): Algorithms and complexity theory
The three departments are talking to each other as one can imagine some overlap between ME/ECE and ECE/CSE.

Sunday, November 1, 2020