WACQT Virtual Workshop on Quantum Technology - April 26-27

April 21, 2023

Chalmers is organizing a free online workshop on quantum technology, which will be held April 26-27. The workshop is a part of the activities of the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT) at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, and targets young researchers in all areas of quantum technology. The talks will be given on Zoom and later made available on the WACQT YouTube channel.

The workshop includes three keynote talks by Kristel Michielsen (FZ Jülich), Stefan Filipp (TU Munich), and Nicolas Treps (Sorbonne Université). The remaining 18 talks are given by excellent young researchers. The full program is available on the workshop webpage.

To follow the workshop through Zoom, please register at https://ui.ungpd.com/Surveys/fae451b1-c0b6-47c7-9503-2ffbc109e17a to receive the Zoom link.
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We hope to see you online next week! Do forward this information to anyone you think may be interested.