August 11, 2021
Looking to learn more about quantum science this Fall? Here are the courses taught by our YQI members and our colleagues this semester on this topic (ordered by course code).
- Science of Modern Technology and Public Policy - Daniel Prober - APHY 50
- Einstein and the Birth of Modern Physics - Douglas Stone - APHY 293
- Basic Quantum Mechanics - Sohrab Ismail-Beigi - APHY 439
- Mesoscopic Physics I - Michel Devoret - APHY 634
- Introduction to Light-Matter Interactions - Peter Rakich - APHY 676
- Quantum Optics - Shruti Puri - APHY 691
- Introduction to Quantum Mechanics I - Sharon Hammes-Schiffer - CHEM 466
- Quantum Computer Systems - Yongshan Ding - CPSC 647
- Intensive Introductory Physics - Steven Girvin - PHYS 260
- Quantum Mechanics and Natural Phenomena II - Ramamurti Shankar - PHYS 441
- Statistical Physics II - Leonid Glazmann - PHYS 628
For more details and prerequisites, go to