ICAP 2020 Summer School - University of Waterloo - July 13 – 17, 2020

March 4, 2020

At the Institution for Quantum Computing, we are hosting the ICAP Summer School 2020, and would like to encourage the students in your group to apply for the program. The Summer School will give a broad opportunity to graduate students to learn from leading AMO scientists, but also establish a lively network among themselves. The school will be highly subsidized, and the venue is only 100 km away from the main ICAP conference. We have attached the poster for the Summer School in this e-mail.

The International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP) 2020 Summer School is a satellite event to the main ICAP conference, and is an exclusive summer school designed for PhD students and early career researchers. The summer school is an opportunity to network with like minds, present at poster sessions, and further explore the topics of:

- atomic quantum gases
- cold molecules and quantum chemistry
- AMO Physics and topology
- quantum sensing and metrology
- quantum computing and quantum simulation
- quantum nanophotonics
- strongly correlated quantum systems: theoretical approaches

The summer school will take place July 13-17, the week preceding the main ICAP 2020 conference, at the Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Canada. 

The deadline to apply is March 31, 2020: uwaterloo.ca/icap/application.

To learn more about our keynotes, fees and travel bursary, visit uwaterloo.ca/icap or contact Kimberly Kuntz at kkuntz@uwaterloo.ca.

Apply to the ICAP Summer School for a fantastic opportunity to network, present research and attend prestigious keynote presentations.