“Beneath the Green, The Quantum” returns on August 31 for a Campus Edition

August 23, 2023

After the premiere at the Arts & Ideas festival in June (read about it in Yale News here), the quantum science and art installation “Beneath the Green, the Quantum” returns with a second and last run on campus for “Peek-a-Boola: A Preview of Arts Across New Haven”. This is your chance to see it if you missed the summer edition. 

Artist Stewart Smith has designed a human-scaled light installation, in collaboration with Yale Quantum Institute researchers and students, that investigates the latest in quantum error correction research—an essential tool in the pursuit of fault-tolerant quantum computing. After the premiere in June 2023, visitors are invited once again to circulate through this interactive forest of vertical illuminated beacons; their bodies acting as proxies for the destructive quantum noise and decoherence that arises within a quantum device as it operates. In response, the illuminated beacons recognize these “quantum errors” and attempt to mitigate them in real-time, illustrated through patterns of light that ripple across the collective. This attempt to resolve observer-induced “error” is driven by actual quantum error correcting algorithms researched and developed in our laboratories, only a few steps away from the Luce Hall Front Lawn.

Attend the event (more info here)

THURSDAY, AUG 31, 2023 - 7:30-8:30 PM
(Rain or Shine)
Luce Hall Front Lawn, 34 Hillhouse Ave., New Haven

Artist: Stewart Smith

Scientist: Yue Wu

Producer: Florian Carle

Hardware: Bignoodle LLC