The Departments of Chemistry and Physics & Astronomy in the College of Science at Purdue University invite applications for up to five positions in Quantum Information Science (QIS). These positions would be at the assistant/associate level with the potential for full professor appointments based on scholarly record. When appropriate, successful candidates may be considered for joint and interdisciplinary appointments across the College.
QIS is at the frontier of several traditional research disciplines including condensed matter physics, atomic, molecular, and optical physics, information theory, applied math and computer science, and chemistry. QIS strives to harness the unusual quantum mechanical properties of superposition and entanglement to provide breakthrough advances for computing, secure communications, and novel device functionalities. As such, QIS is part of a large-scale interdisciplinary hiring effort across key strategic areas in the College of Science—Purdue’s second-largest college, comprising the physical, computing, and life sciences—these positions come at a time when the College is under new leadership and with multiple commitments of significant investment.
The College of Science is especially seeking to enhance our existing strengths in research at the interface of Chemistry and Physics and growth within Computer Science and Math through strategic hiring of creative scientists to be part of the cutting-edge interdisciplinary environment provided by Purdue University. Successful candidates will have research interests that can build a comprehensive suite of capabilities in experimental and/or theoretical quantum computing with superconducting qubits, spins in semiconductors and other condensed matter systems, cold atomic ions, Rydberg, photonic systems chemical physics, or quantum materials. Also of inherent interest for progress in this field are quantum algorithm research and information theoretic analysis.
Candidates must have a PhD in physics, chemistry, math, and computer science, or other fields related to QIS, with outstanding credentials in research, an excellent track record of publications and potential for developing a vibrant research program, as well as a strong commitment to excellence in teaching. Successful candidates are expected to develop a vibrant research program supported by extramural funding and teach courses at the undergraduate and/or graduate level. Applicants should submit a letter of application electronically, including their curriculum vita, summary of planned research, and a statement on teaching philosophy, to: Applicants should also arrange for three letters of recommendation to be uploaded. Applications will be reviewed beginning December 1, 2018, and will remain in consideration until the position is filled.
A simular possition is also offered in the department of Math or Computer Science