The Stanford - SLAC Quantum Initiative Q-FARM invites applications for the 2020 Q-FARM Postdoctoral Fellowships. We seek candidates with research interests in any area of quantum science and engineering. Candidates are encouraged to describe in their research proposal opportunities for collaboration with one or multiple groups at Stanford.
Candidates are encouraged to contact Q-FARM faculty members ( to discuss possible research areas prior to submitting an application. The initial appointment includes 2 years of support with an annual salary of approximately $80,000 and benefits.
Applications and supporting credentials must be submitted through: Academic Jobs Online.
Candidates should upload their curriculum vitae, publication list, two page research statement, and arrange to have three letters of reference submitted online. For queries, please contact Mary K. McMahon (mkm14 at Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the positions are filled, but candidates whose applications and supporting materials including letters are all uploaded by October 31st 2019 will be fully considered.
Appointments are expected to begin on or around Autumn 2020. It is expected that at least two fellowships will be awarded.
Eligibility: For consideration, candidates must have completed a PhD degree prior to their tentative appointment date (Sept. 2020). The fellowship is open to US Citizens or international candidates. Candidates from groups that are under-represented in their disciplines, including women, ethnic minorities and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Application Material Required:
Cover Letter
Curriculum Vitae
Research Statement - 2 pages (excl. bibliography)
Publications List
Three Reference Letters (to be submitted by the reference writers at this site
The application deadline is October 31, 2019.