As the Cluster of Excellence Quantum Science Austria, we want to support young quantum researchers and offer two types of funding opportunities.
Quantum Science Austria (quantA) is a Cluster of Excellence (CoE) funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and six partner institutions throughout Austria (University of Innsbruck, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, University of Vienna, TU Vienna, Institute of Science and Technology Austria). It has a framework research program, which is implemented through a number of CoE-internal programs.
One main implementation component is the Quantum Science Austria Fellowship Call:
The quantA Fellowship Program has the primary objective of developing the careers of young researchers who, at the same time, contribute to the CoE research program in a most innovative way. For the Fellowship Program, quantA is looking for the most creative minds, whose ideas fit into the scope of the research program of the cluster of excellence. It is thus important that applicants submit a research statement that has significant overlap with at least one of the three research areas:
- Quantum Nature of Space, Time, and Gravity
- New Paradigms for Quantum Information Science
- Physics of Engineered Quantum Many-Body Systems
For more information see and
Together with the Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ), we also offer PhD positions.
These are the Quantum Group Universität Wien groups that are offering PhD positions to promising candidates:
- Markus Arndt (Quantum Nanophysics Group)
- Andreas Nunnenkamp (Quantum Control and Many Body Physics)
- Philip Walther (Quantum information science and quantum computation)