The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) is inviting applications for a full time faculty position at a the Assistant, Associate, or Professor level. The candidate should have a background in broad area of Quantum Sensing or Quantum Computing (hardware layer).
An earned doctorate in Electrical Engineering or a field closely related to the search is required. Candidates who have very strong records of scholarship supported by extramural funding and who have the proven capacity or clear potential to bring externally sponsored research to Texas Tech University are encouraged to apply. The successful candidate is expected to teach existing undergraduate and graduate courses, develop new courses, and build a strong research program in Electrical Engineering and Electro-Physics related endeavors, including securing external funding and generating archival publications. Service to the department, college, and university is expected. Applicants are requested to upload a résumé, a cover letter including a brief statement of research and teaching interests, and the names of at least three references to referencing requisition number 20182BR. Copies of the application should be emailed to the search committee chair