YQI Colloquium - Aashish Clerk - The University of Chicago

Event time: 
Friday, October 11, 2024 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
YQI Researchers
YQI Seminar Room See map
Event description: 

Exact insights into driven-dissipative quantum systems using hidden time-reversal symmetries

Quantum systems subject to both driving and dissipation are ubiquitous in many fields, and often have complex, non-thermal steady states.  I’ll discuss how a subtle kind of quantum detailed balance (hidden time-reversal symmetry) can enable exact solutions of a number of non-trivial models, including many-body systems relevant to a variety of experimental platforms.  These solutions directly enable understanding of a variety of interesting phenomena, ranging from the practical (e.g. new kinds of photon blockade effects in weakly nonlinear photonic systems, new regimes for bosonic error correction), to the more fundamental (e.g. exact descriptions of unusual driven-dissipative phase transitions).  I’ll discuss how the method applies to a range of different physics systems, including a kind pair-driven Bose-Hubbard model, a driven transverse field Ising model and a boundary driven XXZ spin chain.  

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