The inaugural Yale Day of Instrumentation willl be held on November 16, 2018, and anyone (faculty, staff, postdocs and students) interested at the Yale Quantum Institute are invited to participate. The symposium will consist of a series of short lightning talks, a poster session, and an introduction to various instrumentation facilities at Yale.
The goals of this event are to provide an overview of instrumentation efforts on campus, learn about existing expertise and facilities, and build an instrumentation community at Yale. We encourage all participants to submit a contribution to the poster session.
More information and an agenda can be found at theYale Day of Instrumentation website
As part of this symposium we invite amateur and professional photographers within the Yale community to submit photos of scientific instrumentation or instrumentation facilities at Yale. Winning photographs will be announced at the Yale Day of Instrumentation.
Register here for the 2018 Yale Day of Instrumentation.
For more information about instrumentation at Yale, please visit