Event time:
Sunday, October 3, 2021 - 11:30am to 12:30pm
Undergraduate Students
Old Campus
Event description:
Dear Quantum Enthusiasts,
Welcome to YuQC! We hope you’re having a great start of the semester. We’ve been so excited to see y’all in courses and during the extracurricular bazaar.
First Club-Wide Meeting
After a month of preparation, we’re ready to kick off our activities for the 2021-22 academic year! The content we have prepared this year includes open-source projects, talk series, hackathons, social hours, and much more! Make sure to come to our first in-person club-wide meeting to learn more. The time and location are as follows:
- Date: Sunday, October 3rd, 2021
- Time: 11:30 AM
- Location: Old Campus, outdoors
- Mask requirement: Not required for fully-vaccinated members
Due to Yale COVID regulations, please RSVP here so that we can get a better idea of the expected attendance. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!
Project Information
If you’re interested in leading a project this semester, here’s a note from Aidan Evans, our Director of Projects. Feel free to reach out to him if you have any questions!
An important part of YuQC is our student-led projects. A project could consist of either some sort of open-source library, a study group, an event, etc. If any of you are interested in creating and leading your own project team, please fill out a copy of this document and email it to me by Sunday, October 10th by noon; this is about one week after our first meeting. Please take a look at our current projects before proposing your own idea.
If you are able to complete the form by Saturday, October 2nd by midnight, I’ll be able to review (and probably approve) it before our first meeting on October 3rd – in which case, you can say a few words about it at the first meeting!
YuQC Board <3