More info at
We invite your questions, questions will be collected beforehand in this Google form.
Connection and recording information
Zoom connection information is posted for each section, below. You can join by PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android (by clicking the link in each session) or telephone (by calling 203-432-9666 or 646 568 7788 and entering your meeting ID, listed below). International numbers are available at:
All sessions, except for the Q&A with graduate students only, will be recorded and posted online here after the open house.
12:00 p.m. Graduate Program Overview
Webinar and Zoom recording of graduate program overview with Chairs, Director of Graduate Studies and program coordinators.
1:00 p.m. Student Organizations
Introducing graduate student organizations and activities.
- Women in Physics+ (Emma Castiglia)
- QuARK (Queer Affiliated fRiends of physiKs) (Sumita Ghosh)
- Graduate Student Assembly (Ryan Petersburg)
- YPPDO (Estella de Souza)
- Happy Hour (Trevor Wright)
- Women in Quantum Information Lunch (Jaya Venkatraman)
- Girls’ Science Investigations (GSI) (Lauren Saunders)
- Yale Physics Olympics (YPO) (Stephen Irons)
2:00 p.m. Research Groups and Subfields I (parallel sessions of all subfields)
Webinar and Zoom recording with various research groups including faculty and students. See below for Zoom connection info.
3:00 p.m. Research Groups and Subfields II (parallel sessions of all subfields)
Webinar and Zoom recording with various research groups including faculty and students. See below for Zoom connection info.
ZOOM rooms for subfields (and subfield leads)
- Materials (Sohrab Ismail-Beigi); 3-4pm only
Zoom link: (ID: 998 697 704) - Optics (Owen Miller); 3-4pm only
Zoom link: (ID: 729 976 477) - Quantum Information (Rob Schoelkopf); 2-3pm only
Zoom link: (ID: 848 545 133) - Astrophysics/cosmology (Nikhil Padmanabhan)
Zoom link: (ID: 285 321 940) - AMO + NMR experiments (Jack Harris)
Zoom link: (ID: 559 692 060) - Biological Physics (Simon Mochrie)
Zoom link: (ID: 957 887 916) - Particle/Nuclear Experiment (Bonnie Fleming)
Zoom link: (ID: 698 909 027) - Condensed matter, particle and nuclear theory (Yoram Alhassid, David Poland)
Zoom link: (ID: 129 976 986)
4:00 p.m. 15min break
4:15 p.m. Q&A with graduate students only Hosts: Kelly Backes (Physics) and Hanwen Zhang (Applied Physics)
Panel of current graduate students answering your submitted questions. Questions will be collected beforehand in this Google form.
Individual zoom/skype meetings with faculty to be arranged on various days.
Please contact the faculty directly.
- Applied Physics Faculty [Availability, sign up on the sheet in open slots, include your email]
- Physics Faculty