The Institute for Real World Education and Curriculum Advancement (IRWECA) is a partnership between the Office of Research and Innovation at SCSU and the Connecticut State Department of Education.
The goals are: 1) increase educator awareness of academic and career opportunities in STEM and Manufacturing AND 2) support educators’ development and implementation of new teaching and learning aligned with the needs of those companies
IRWECA has 2 components: 1) summer industry experience AND 2) supports for education teams during the academic year
Summer Industry Experience
Connecticut educators have an opportunity to
- Tour Leading Companies in Manufacturing, Life Science, and Sustainability
- See first-hand how your students will use the knowledge you (their educator) impart in their future career
- Learn about resources and supports available to enhance teaching and learning
Dates and Venues for 2024 (~9am to 3pm each day)
- June 17 at the Jackson Laboratory (Farmington)
- June 18 at the Yale Quantum Institute (New Haven)
- June 25 at PennGlobe (North Branford)
Educators who complete this series will receive a stipend of $225
Limited to 20 educators email Peter Dimoulas at with questions