Building quantum technology requires a lot of people with different backgrounds (physicists, electrical engineers, computer scientists, software engineers, chemists, …) and it can be overwhelming to consider a career in quantum science and information. It can also be overwhelming if you have never heard of quantum physics either!
By attending this series of public virtual events hosted in partnership with the Center for Quantum Networks Engineering Workforce Development, participants will learn from students and researchers in the field what it is like to work in quantum science and get advice on navigating the various pathways. This and future panels in this series will be dedicated to share information on careers in the field of quantum science and information.”
- Shantanu Jha, Yale ‘21
Founder of Yale Undergraduate Quantum Computing, Physics and Mathematics, Class of 2021
Shantanu is a Math and Physics major and a member of Saybrook College. He founded YuQC to provide a support network to help younger or otherwise newcomer students explore the often daunting but wonderfully interdisciplinary field of quantum information science. His research spans quantum information theory work with Steven Girvin, terahertz wireless communications (6G) with Federico Capasso, and most recently, experimental quantum computation with Michel Devoret. As a member of the Devoret group, Shantanu works to implement bosonic quantum error correction codes in a superconducting cavity and ancillary transom system.
Outside of the lab, Shantanu enjoys working on open source quantum computing projects as a Quantum Advocate for IBM Qiskit, designing websites (like this one!), woodworking, and learning about innovation beyond his field. His long term goals include a PhD and lifelong career in Quantum Computing.
Personal site:
- Ayelet Kalfus, Yale ‘24
YuQC Director of Partnerships, Physics with Computer Science certificate, Class of 2024 (Gap Year)
Ayelet is a rising sophomore majoring in physics, with a certificate in computer science. Intrigued by quantum computers’ potential to transform our lives, Ayelet is super excited to join YuQC, learning with and from the entire group. Outside of physics, Ayelet loves reading, writing, film, and exploring new cities.
- Steve Girvin, Yale Professor of Physics
Teaches Quantum Physics to Yale Undergraduates
Dr. Girvin joined the Yale faculty in 2001, where he is Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics and Professor of Applied Physics. In 2007 he was named Deputy Provost for Science and Technology and in 2015 became Deputy Provost for Research. In that role, he helped oversee research and strategic planning in the basic sciences and engineering across the university. He also helped oversee entrepreneurship, innovation and tech transfer at Yale. In 2017, Professor Girvin stepped down from his role as Deputy Provost for Research to return full-time to teaching and research.
Throughout his career, Professor Girvin’s research has focused on theoretical studies of quantum many-particle systems. Since coming to Yale, his interests have extended to atomic physics, quantum optics and quantum computation. Professor Girvin’s academic research is currently focused on ‘circuit QED,’ the quantum physics of microwave electrical circuits using superconducting Josephson junctions as artificial atoms. He works closely with the experimental team at Yale led by Michel Devoret and Robert Schoelkopf developing circuit QED into a practical architecture for construction of a quantum computer.
- Recruiters from University of Arizona College of Engineering