C2QA Quantum Networks/Transduction Seminar Series
Towards quantum phononics: How to harness phonons for quantum applications?
Peter Rakich, Department of Applied Physics, Yale University
The use of phonons as quantum coherent carriers of information brings many potential advantages in the context of quantum computation, storage, and sensing, and has spurred a renaissance of phonon physics and device technologies. However, the prospect for quantum phononic technologies also raises a myriad of fundamental questions surrounding the material origins of quantum decoherence for both acoustic and microwave fields. In this presentation, we provide a brief survey of phononic decoherence mechanisms and we describe our initial efforts to probe phonon decoherence using new device fabrication and spectroscopic methods. We will focus on new strategies for phonon spectroscopy that utilize Brillouin interactions to access high-frequency bulk acoustic phonon modes using laser fields. Making simple modifications to the surfaces of high purity crystalline media, we create phononic resonators with ultra-long lived bulk acoustic phonon modes that are readily accessible with light. Our initial studies of phonon coherence times in a variety of media show exquisite sensitivity to material surfaces and structural disorder, a feature that is reminiscent of NV centers. Hence, many of the materials synthesis and characterization activities under the C2QA program may offer a path towards materials and devices with greatly improved phononic coherence times.
Building on the approach outlined above, we also describe our efforts to greatly enhance the sensitivity of this technique, which could permit the generation and detection of individual quanta of sound for quantum experimentation. Combining these features with piezoelectric coupling, these same devices and techniques open the door to new hybrid electro-optomechanical and superconducting qubit technologies with an array of compelling features.
Zoom: https://yale.zoom.us/j/91343800187 or Telephone:203-432-9666 (2-ZOOM if on-campus) or 646 568 7788 Meeting ID: 913 4380 0187