Dear Graduate Students and Postdocs,
We would like to kindly ask you to save the save the date of Thursday, August 30 from 1 to 2:30 pm to attend the Bystander Intervention Training facilitated by Yale’s Title IX Office and Office of Gender and Campus Culture.
Several students and postdocs affiliated with YQI have reached out to us to request this training and helped us organize it in order to help build a more supportive community and to encourage respectful professional conduct. The workshop will take place outside of YQI in Becton Seminar Room and will not be attended by any of the faculty members or staff for privacy reasons.
This workshop has received excellent reviews from the over 3,000 graduate and professional students and postdocs who have participated in their own workshops over the past year. Participants will learn skills to address instances of sexual disrespect and unprofessionalism, and has been customized to address the specific dynamics of academic and social life at YQI and in our laboratories.
In our research, teaching, classes, and other activities at YQI, we will have many interactions and make many decisions that affect the climate of our community, and being an active bystander – addressing instances of disrespect and unprofessionalism when the occur – goes a long way to making our community welcoming and productive for all of us. We, at YQI, strongly stand against unprofessional behavior and we will act to keep our institute and laboratories safe and enjoyable for all, regardless of level of education, gender, race, or sexual orientation.
If you encounter any issue during your time at YQI, please let someone know: a colleague, your PI, or YQI manager Florian Carle (as you feel appropriate). If you are uncomfortable talking to someone at YQI, please contact the SHARE Center at (203)432-2000 or visit
Please make every effort to attend. The participation of all of our graduate students and postdocs will not only help us take steps towards a stronger, more supportive community, but participation in such a workshop can be a valuable addition to one’s CV.
Lunch will be provided at 12:45 pm