Assistant Professor in experimental quantum optics/quantum information, to join the Macklin Quantum Information Science group in the Physics Department at Miami University.
Duties/Physical Demands:
Responsibilities include teaching at the undergraduate and master’s levels; establishing a productive, externally funded research program; contributing to professional service.
Minimum Qualifications:
Ph.D. in physics or a related discipline by date of appointment; research must complement ongoing quantum optics/quantum information research in the Department.
Preferred Qualifications:
Consideration will be given to candidates who demonstrate strong interest in undergraduate and graduate education, including both classroom teaching and student research mentoring.
Consideration will be given to candidates who will overlap with at least one of the following areas is desired: general issues of quantum coherence, non-equilibrium phenomena and quantum control; cooling and trapping of atoms and ions for exploration of small systems of entangled particles and quantum degenerate physics; cold atomic gases in tailored potentials or interfaced with opto-mechanics for robust “atomtronic” devices that perform in noisy environments. An interdisciplinary research component that overlaps with our other focus areas (condensed matter/nano physics and biophysics) is encouraged.