SPINTECH VIII - Basel, August 2015
Spintech 8 continues a series of international meetings that highlight fundamental physical phenomena related to spin-dependent effects in condensed matter and advances in the development of new spintronic materials, structures, and devices, including quantum information science and topological concepts. The school will take place during the first half of the meeting to orient newcomers and students to emerging topics, followed by a conference with invited and contributed talks aiming at stimulating the progress in new materials, measurement, and theory of spintronic/quantum information systems.
Where: Basel, Switzerland
When: August 10 - 13, 2015
Website: https://spintech8.unibas.ch/
Abstract submission deadline: April 29, 2015
Please mark these dates on your calendar. While more information will be provided in the coming months, please send any suggestions or ideas for the event to the conference chair or co-chair listed below.
We look forward to seeing everyone next year in Basel!
Conference Chairs:
Daniel Loss (University of Basel)
Seigo Tarucha (University of Tokyo)
8th International School and Conference on Spintronics and Quantum Information Technology
Francois Erkadoo
Spintech VIII Conference Secretary
Department of Physics
University of Basel
4046 Basel, Switzerland
tel: (805) 893-6025; fax: (805) 893-6132
Prof. Daniel Loss