Attention to the Perimeter Institute’s Emmy Noether Visiting Fellowships for outstanding theoretical physicists. The Fellowships will be attractive to physicists who wish to pursue research at the institute while on leave from their faculty positions elsewhere.
The Emmy Noether Fellowships are central to Perimeter’s initiatives to support female physicists. Perimeter Institute promotes an inclusive, welcoming culture and a family-friendly workplace.
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Canada’s Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (PI), welcomes applications for the Emmy Noether Visiting Fellowship program. The Emmy Noether Fellowships are central to Perimeter Institute’s initiatives to support female physicists. Perimeter Institute promotes an inclusive, welcoming culture and a family-friendly workplace.
The Fellowship provides financial and organizational support for relocation, which may include some or all of the following:
- teaching buyouts
- salary support or top-up
- local expenses
- accommodation
- return transportation & research related-travel
- reimbursement as required for child care
Applicants may specify visit timing and other requirements on the application form. Emmy Noether Visiting Fellowships may be held for periods of up to one year. Early-career faculty-level scientists are especially encouraged to apply. More information and the online application may be found at