The Department of Physics invites applications for a University Assistant Professor position in the area of superconducting and hybrid quantum technologies. The Department is looking for a talented scientist to promote and develop ambitious programmes in the broader area of superconducting or hybrid quantum systems and devices. Examples of exciting areas include, but are not limited to circuit QED, superconducting-semiconducting heterostructures, atoms, electrons and ions coupled to superconducting or hybrid optical/microwave resonators, novel designs of superconducting qubits and circuits, the emergent physics of superconducting NISQ devices, superconducting imaging arrays, millimetre-wave chip spectrometers, and single-photon detectors.
The successful candidate will have a world-class research record in the area of quantum technologies and present a compelling vision for a long-term science programme building on the Department’s existing capabilities. We are particularly interested in applicants working on superconducting and hybrid quantum systems and devices. The successful candidate would be expected to play a leading role in expanding the research activities in this area, taking advantage of the unique research environment in Cambridge to build collaborations and deliver novel scientific results and applications. Applicants should have a PhD in physics (or a cognate discipline), a strong record of relevant research, and must show evidence of enthusiasm and ability to teach a wide range of physics courses successfully at both undergraduates and master’s level. This work will include the delivery of existing courses, and the development of new teaching materials, lecture courses, examinations and laboratory classes.
The Department is active in promoting policies to address historic under-representation of women and minority groups in its workforce.
The Department of Physics is very proud to have been the first Physics Department in the UK to have been awarded an Athena SWAN Gold award from May 2014, having held a Silver award and also Juno Champion status since 2010. The Department is now part of the larger Athena SWAN grouping led by the School of Physical Sciences and the University itself, which holds a Silver award. The Department is also keen to promote support for staff with family commitments. Candidates from under-represented groups, as well as candidates with a track record in addressing barriers to equality and diversity in education, are particularly encouraged to apply.
Given the scope of this post, the teaching load of the appointee will be divided between the undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum teaching needs of the Department. General contribution to the academic work of the Department of Physics and the University beyond teaching and research, will be commensurate with the appointee’s interests and skills, and the requirements of the Department.
Click the ‘Apply’ button below to register an account with our recruitment system (if you have not already) and apply online.
Applicants should submit the following documents with their application:
· Curriculum Vitae (CV) · A list of up to ten papers where you have made the most significant personal contributions. We do not require a full list of your collaborative papers. · A research proposal of no longer than 3 pages, including a description as to how your research plans fit with existing Cavendish activities. It is not necessary to review the overall plans of existing research in Cambridge except where they are directly relevant to your proposal.
· A one-page statement on your approach to teaching and how you believe you can contribute to the Department’s teaching programme at undergraduate and graduate level.
The deadline for applications is 11:59 pm GMT 15 December 2022. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to visit Cambridge in a week to be confirmed during January to give a presentation, for informal discussions and formal interview.
The position is available from 1 October 2023. There is some flexibility on the start date, which can be negotiated at the appointment stage. For informal enquiries please contact Professor Andy Parker.
Please quote reference KA34048 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.
The University actively supports equality, diversity and inclusion and encourages applications from all sections of society.
The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.