- Join an organisation that encourages progressive thinking in Quantum Science
- Full time, Continuing position, Camperdown location
- Academic - Level B, Base Salary: $104,155 p.a. plus leave loading and a generous employer’s contribution to superannuation. Visa sponsorship is available if required.
About the opportunity
We invite applications for a continuing faculty position within the School of Physics in theoretical quantum science. The successful applicant will establish a new research program in theoretical quantum science on topics that align with and complement the research directions currently pursued by the Quantum Science research group at Sydney. In addition, the successful applicant will conduct teaching activities and supervise postgraduate research students in physics.
About you
The University values courage and creativity; openness and engagement; inclusion and diversity; and respect and integrity. As such, we see the importance in recruiting talent aligned to these values in the pursuit of research excellence. We are looking for Lecturer in Theoretical Quantum Science with:
- PhD in Physics or closely related discipline.
- A strong background in quantum information theory, quantum man y ? body physics, or related areas.
- Demonstrated capacity to conduct theoretical research in quantum information theory or quantum many-body physics;
- Capacity to supervise PhD and other research students in theoretical quantum physics.
Please refer to the Candidate Information Pack for further information. To be considered, it is essential that you upload a resume and address the online selection criteria.
About Quantum Science at the University of Sydney
Our quantum science research group is focussed on addressing the most challenging problems in quantum science, and on leveraging these insights to advance the development of quantum technologies. We have world-leading expertise in the areas of quantum computing, quantum control, and the quantum-classical interface. Our activities span theory and experiment, range from fundamental quantum information science through technology development, and incorporate atomic, optical and condensed matter systems.
Research in quantum science forms a core focus of the University of Sydney Nano Institute , a university-wide initiative to discover and harness new science at the nanoscale. Along with our central focus on world-class academic research, we have a complementary interest in engaging with key industrial partners and start-up companies. Our researchers are co-located with Microsoft Quantum Sydney , a partnership between the University and Microsoft Quantum Research to pursue quantum and cryogenic computing. In addition, Q-CTRL , a quantum-technology spinoff company funded by venture capital, has established a resident base of expertise in quantum control engineering and professional software development.
Our researchers in quantum science are active in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems , and participate in several international research programs in Quantum Information Science sponsored by the US Army Research Office, IARPA, and other domestic and international activities.