The Center for Quantum Research and Technology (CQRT) at the University of Oklahoma invites applications for two Dodge Family Postdoctoral Fellow positions in Condensed Matter Physics, one in experiment and another in theory. The theory position will involve collaborations with Center theorists on topics related to topological matter, electronic interactions, quantum simulation and out-of-equilibrium physics and with the experimental group studying spin textures in oxide heterostructures, among other CQRT members. The experimental position is in the new Femto-tau group, a highly integrated spectroscopy team in which the postdoc will be the binding agent. Main duties include leading, developing, and managing custom ultrafast experiments that probe nonlinear optical phenomena such as multi-exciton generation, coherent energy transfer and hot carrier dynamics for a variety of electronic and quantum materials systems. Applicants for the experimental position are encouraged to indicate in their cover letter any collaborations they wish to foster with existing faculty.
CQRT is housed in Lin Hall, which was completed in 2018 and has more than 18,000 square feet of research laboratory space. Lin Hall meets the NIST-A requirements on vibrations, temperature and humidity, as well as electromagnetic interference.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Physics or related area. The initial appointment is for two years, with the possibility of renewal for a third year, contingent on satisfactory performance and continued funding. The start date for the appointment is flexible, with appointments starting as early as August 1, 2022. Applicants are asked to indicate their potential start date in the application. The stipend will be $60,000 per year plus benefits, along with $5,000 for a computer/laptop and an annual $5,000 travel budget for the Fellow.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae (including publications), a statement of research interests and plans limited to two pages to for the theory position or to for the experimental position. Applicants will be asked to provide contact information of three letter writers, who will be subsequently contacted through Interfolio. Any inquiries should be sent to Bruno Uchoa ( regarding the theory position or to Madalina Furis ( regarding the experimental one.
Screening of applications will begin on March 10, 2022 and will continue until the positions are filled. We are committed to building a culturally diverse educational environment and strongly encourage members from underrepresented minority groups and women to apply.