Event time:
Sunday, February 12, 2023 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
YQI Researchers
YQI Seminar Room
Event description:
YuQC will have their first club-wide meeting of the semester this Sunday at 4:00pm in the YQI seminar room. Some things on the agenda for the meeting this Sunday:
- New + continuing project groups: If you are joining a research group this summer or encountered a QIS topic over the semester that really interested you, now is the perfect time to form a project group. In addition, the project groups from the past semester will recap their activities and announce their plans for the coming semester.
- SQUID undergraduate research conference: This May, we are organizing a mock, undergraduates-only research conference in collaboration with the schools in the Quantum Coalition. There will be opportunities to present even if you are not currently involved in research! We will discuss details of this event at the meeting and how you can participate.
- iQuHack recap + new events this semester: We will discuss upcoming events this semester and take feedback from you about the best use of our club’s resources! This could include pset nights, social events such as a movie night, support finding research groups, or even just what kind of food to get for club meetings.
We hope your semester is off to a great start, and see you Sunday!