YQI Talk - Manas Kulkarni - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Event time: 
Thursday, November 30, 2017 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
YQI Seminar room - 4th Floor See map
17 Hillhouse Ave
Event description: 

Permanent spin currents and entanglement in cavity-qubit systems

In a recent experiment [P. Roushan et al, Nature Physics 13, 146–151 (2017)], a spin current in an architecture of three superconducting qubits was produced during a few microseconds by creating a synthetic magnetic fields for photons. The current life-time was set by the typical dissipative mechanisms that occur in those systems. We propose [1] a scheme for the generation of permanent currents, even in the presence of such imperfections, and scalable to larger system sizes. We will also present results demonstrating indefinitely long-lived entanglement in superconducting qubits [2,3].

[1] M. Kulkarni, S. M. Hein, E. Kapit, C. Aron, arXiv:1709.04522 (2017)
[2] M. E. Schwartz, L. Martin, E. Flurin, C. Aron, M. Kulkarni, H. E. Tureci, I. Siddiqi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 240503 (2016)
[3] C. Aron, M.Kulkarni and H. E. Tureci , Phys. Rev. X 6, 011032 (2016)