YQI Seminar - Vojtech Vlcek - University of California Santa Barbara

Event time: 
Friday, February 5, 2021 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Postdoctoral Associates
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Event description: 

Quantum many-body interactions at nanometre scales

First-principles treatment of quantum many-body interactions at nanometre scales is extremely challenging but necessary for understanding the behavior of realistic systems. Interfaces and van der Waals (hetero)structures, hosting long-ranged and non-local correlated states, are notable examples where conventional methods struggle due to the extremely high number of particles that have to be considered. I will present recent developments in predicting electronic excitations using the combination of stochastic computational techniques and diagrammatic many-body theory. This novel formalism enables first-principles predictions of quasiparticle energies for thousands of atoms.  Besides introducing the stochastic method’s fundamentals and outlining its prospects, I will present our recent work on capturing multi-quasiparticle excitations and simulating twisted atomically thin bilayers.

Host - Victor Batista

Zoom link (requires login): https://yale.zoom.us/j/97649133568