YQI Seminar - Amir Safavi-Naeini - Stanford University

Event time: 
Friday, April 13, 2018 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
YQI Seminar Room - 4th Floor See map
17 Hillhouse Ave
Event description: 

Gigahertz nanophononic devices for quantum information processing

Compact and low-loss acoustic wave devices that perform complex signal processing at radio frequencies are ubiquitous in classical communication systems. Much like their classical counterparts, emerging quantum machines operating at microwave frequencies also stand to benefit from their integration with these devices. This is conditioned on realization of sufficiently versatile quantum phononic technologies that operate efficiently at gigahertz frequencies. My group is developing phononic systems where the acoustic energy is confined at the wavelength limit. In this talk I will present our work on developing wires for such acoustic phonons that can transmit information across a chip, as well as our progress on coupling these types of resonators to superconducting circuits. I will present the development of the first single-mode phonon waveguide, probed by an optomechanical transducer, as well as a piezoelectric phononic crystal resonator coupled to a superconducting circuit operating inside a dilution fridge.