Two FUNDED Oxford doctoral studentships now available in Quantum Technology Theory
These are theory projects to be hosted in Prof. Simon Benjamin’s Quantum and Nanotechnology Theory Group in Materials. Funding has just become available for this year’s intake. Positions are open until filled so act immediately if you are interested – visit or email
Modeling and theory for emerging ion-trap based quantum processors.This studentship is funded by IARPA and is in principle able to support international students as well as EU and UK students. The student will perform theoretical research, using both analytic techniques and simulations on large scale conventional computers, and he or she will work closely with world-leading experimental teams in Innsbruck and elsewhere around the world. The experimental teams are experts in ion trapping — an ion trap is a device that holds small numbers of individual charged atoms (ions) and manipulates their quantum states via laser and microwave control.
Architectures and algorithms for near-future quantum machine learning and optimisation. This EPSRC-funded studentship is concerned with finding new applications for quantum computers, primarily in machine learning and optimisation. These are very active fields for conventional computer science; applications range widely from big data analysis through to medicine and selfdriving cars. The aim of this project will be to seek for opportunities to use quantum systems to accelerate important tasks in machine learning, including for example the training of neural networks. This will be explored with analytic theory, numerical simulations, and (very probably) by directly using D-Wave hardware which the QuNaT group has access to.